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Friday 7 January 2011

Unit 7 - Working With Graphic Design Briefs

Assignment Descriptive:
You are to design a promotional advertisement for a place which you may have personally visited and is very special to you, or a place which your family or friends have recommended.
 Technical Terminology handout
Mindmap - Method of note making either by hand or using mindmapping software
Destinations -
Observational studies - Research/analysis
Lino tile - Surface for printmaking (polymer) Alternative for linoleum blocks
Adobe Photoshop – Image editing software
Scanner - Hardware used to convert pictures and text into digital images
Graphic Layouts – Organising design elements and context on a page
Audience - Demographic group advertising or product is aimed at
Typefaces - Fonts/sizes of font
Digitally Manipulated – Doctoring images digitally using software such as photoshop
Advertisers - People who persuade an audience
Design Sheets - created to work out finished (end) design
Mount board - Used for framing and displaying??
Drawing demonstration terminology
Line - A mark which defines shape
Tone - Defines volume. Different weights of colour. Contrast
Scale - Changing the size whilst maintaining proportion
Perspective - Gives illusion of space and distance
Composition - Placement/arrangement of visual elements (text, image...etc)
Focal Points - Point where eye rests – usually the most important part of the image

(don't understand why it's scrunched itself! It was bigger initially)
Golden ratio: the ratio for length to width of rectangles considered the most pleasing to the eye. This ratio was named the golden ratio by the Greeks. The points where the lines cross are the most aesthetically pleasing focal points.
The ancient Egyptians were the first to use mathematics in art.
Giza Pyramids:

1 comment:

  1. Have no idea why the first section has been repeated - that's why I should be doing Canine Psychology!
